Board of Directors

Our Board of directors are business and academic leaders in the digital agriculture, plant protein, and agri-food sector. They provide strategic guidance to support our vision of accelerating the Manitoba economy through our pillars of innovation and research; intelligent technology integration; skills, training, and talent development; and capital enablement.

Directors Emeritus


Thank you to past board members

Our past board members have played an integral role in advancing digital agriculture. We are thankful to the organizations represented in our founding board for generously sharing their expertise, resources, and knowledge to launch EMILI in 2016, and to all of our past board members (listed alphabetical by last name) for sharing their knowledge and experience with us:

Dr. Mark Alexiuk, Vince Barletta, Sean Barnes, Dr. James Currie, Jason Dyck, Ray Hoemsen, Dr. Peter Jones, Dr. Amin Kabani, Kevin Lusk, Steve McCabe, Chris Minaker, Leah Olson, Dr. Simon Potter, John Scarce, Dr. Annette Trimbee, Paul Vogt, Colin Wiebe, Randy Roller, and Dr. Jaime Cidro.